Our Youth Services and Housing Programs provide over 8,220 bed nights and serve 15,650 nutritious meals annually to 600 runaway, homeless and at-risk youth between the ages of 11 and 24. Our community outreach and education programs provide services to another 9,000 youth annually throughout Riverside County.
Thank you for your support of Operation SafeHouse/SafeHouse of the Desert. If you choose to designate your donation, it will be placed in restricted use as you have requested for any of our essential programs in Riverside and Thousand Palms.
Your donation through our website is secure and all information is encrypted.
If you would like to make a donation, please do so below.
Your Monthly Donation Impact
$100.00 provides five nights of transitional housing or emergency shelter for one youth in crisis.

$50.00 provides one hour of intensive one-on-one counseling for one youth and their family.

$25.00 provides one hour of mobile case management for one human trafficking “survivor”.